Video Q&A: “How can I lose weight in a healthy and responsible manner?”

Lucy Newport • Mar 28, 2024
Reading / watching time: 22 mins 

I’m very happy to be sharing our first Q&A video, with the question “How can I lose weight in a healthy and responsible manner?” from Amber - thanks for going first in submitting a Q Amber!

In it, you’ll hear:
  • My binge eating recovery perspective on this question
  • Why you might find it helpful to explore where this desire to lose weight is coming from
  • How trying to lose weight is perhaps playing a role in your binge eating 
  • Why weight might be serving a purpose for you (and why perhaps weight loss feels like a battle)
  • My thoughts on dieting and exercise in binge eating recovery
  • Specific questions you can ask yourself in your own exploration

Further resources

The binge restrict cycle
To more fully understand this cycle, take a look at my guide
"What is the binge restrict cycle?”.

Health and weight

I mentioned that recent research has found that the link between weight and health isn’t always as closely correlated as we’ve been told. In other words, an “ideal” BMI doesn’t necessarily equate to health and there are other factors to consider. If you want to learn more about this, here are a few further resources:

Nutrition and exercise 

If you’re at a place in your binge eating recovery where you feel:

  1. Secure in your relationships with food and your body and have been binge free for several months.
  2. As though focusing on sustainable weight loss won’t impact your relationships with food and your body.
  3. You want to lose weight

Feel free to reach out to me ( and I’ll share my recommendation for an online nutritionist and personal trainer who understands the mechanisms behind restrictions and binge eating. 

Have a question you want to ask?

I’d love for you to send it over! Pop your details below to sign up to my email list and I’ll send you the Q&A form right away.

Hungry for more? Here are some extra resources for you:

“Why do I need to stop trying to lose weight for binge eating recovery?”

My biggest body image lesson

Short read: stop looking for things to “fix” you

“I want support in my binge eating recovery but I’m scared. What should I do?”

Disclaimer: I am not a medical practitioner. This video is meant for informational purposes and does not constitute medical advice. Always check with your registered physician before engaging in informational content.

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